Registration Open Now!

ENROLLMENT CLOSED for 2023-2024 Season

Summer classes begin June 17!

AIM offers classes for every experience level taught by passionate, creative, and talented instructors.We are an energetic and supportive dance community, so whether you’re here for quality dance training or just fun exercise, we’ve got you covered.


Class Descriptions

Ballet (3 & up)

Ballet is a foundational building block of dance technique. Dancers learn Ballet positions, steps, & movements providing the grace, poise, & technique needed to be proficient in all other areas of dance. Ballet classes will help dancers with posture, flexibility, fitness, balance, self-discipline, & self-confidence. 

Hip Hop (7 & up)

Hip hop is a high-energy class that infuses many styles from street dancing and funk to Jazz & other mainstream dance styles. Hip hop teaches rhythm, coordination, & balance through aerobic movements set to fun, upbeat music. Classes will encourage students to step outside of the box by bringing their own individual style & personality to the movements. 

Ballet/Tap/Tumble Combo (3-4y)

During this one-hour class, dancers will learn basic steps & terminology in Ballet, Tap, & Tumbling. This Combo class is designed to introduce these skills to young students through imagination activities & movement games. Students learn basic discipline, class etiquette, & dance technique in a fun and active environment.

Tap (3 & up)

Tap classes are designed to develop rhythm, style & sound. Students will learn a variety of tap steps & styles. Class emphasis is developing proper tap technique, producing clear tap sounds, & developing a musical awareness.

Acrobatics (3 & up)

Acrobatics, or “Acro,” is designed to teach dancers basic acrobatic movements. Acro focuses on increasing flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, endurance, body awareness, & self-discipline. Movements are designed to supplement students’ dance technique & is not intended to teach advanced gymnastic tricks. Dancers will learn a combination of back bends, cartwheels, walkovers, chin stands, & aerials. 

Pre-Pointe/Pointe (7 & up)

Pointe classes are for students who wish to elevate their Ballet technique to the next level. Pointe classes require each student to use special Pointe shoes designed to increase the dancer’s ankle strength and flexibility while working on classical Ballet technique. These students receive additional exposure to classical Ballet repertoire from famous Ballets like Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote, and others. All pointe classes are designed for students with previous ballet training. Students must complete the Pre-Pointe program & be enrolled in Ballet to attend.

Jazz (5 & up)

Jazz classes are high-tempo and energetic, focusing on isolations of the body, powerful movements, and developing an understanding of complex rhythms & patterns. Students will be exposed to various styles of jazz that will challenge their artistry, increase their presence on stage, & develop strength & speed in their movements.

Contemporary (9 & up)

Contemporary, sometimes referred to as Lyrical, is a fluid form of dance that encourages the dancer to interpret his or her movement with feeling, emotion & style. Dancers learn to express a concept, emotion, or story through their physicality & artistic choices. This style combines the fluid beauty of Ballet with the sharper edges of Jazz or Modern. 

Adult Classes (18 & up)

Dancers 18+ with several years of dance training are encouraged to attend the advanced adult, or “Fusion,” classes. Fusion classes incorporate Contemporary, Jazz, Hip Hop, and fitness.


Monthly Tuition Pricing

Rates starting at $65 for 1/2 hour and $85 for 1 hour!

Sibling discounts available!

Contact us for a free trial class!